Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Suddenly Homeless In America

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Flash back to the images from the Great Depression and to the stories told by elder relatives that survived those challenging years. It was a time that marked America's lowest economic condition and biggest success in overcoming adversity. That is, until recently.

A Not-So-Distant Memory

Today the United States is facing an economic crisis that often brings references to the Great Depression. One of the biggest hardships citizens are facing today is homelessness. Just as in the years following Black Tuesday, tent cities consisting of a multitude of tents or makeshift shelters in specified areas or just outside city limits are again springing up across the country. Within these 'cities' are dozens if not hundreds of families struggling to survive.

According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, the recession will force an estimated 1.5 million more people into homelessness over the next two years. The causes will vary but the majority will be due to:

* Increased job layoffs
* Small business failures
* Increased healthcare costs
* Housing costs
* Low wages for non-skilled workers
* Unavailability of employment

Approximately one-third of the nation's homeless population consists of families with children. With the rapid decline of the economy, this number is continuing to rise. At the end of 2007 roughly 37.3 million U.S. households reported having severe housing cost burdens. Now, two years later, the burdens have grown and many families are falling victim to the home foreclosure crisis as well as the layoffs that have been sweeping the country.

Lasting Effects

A 2009 study by the National Center on Family Homelessness found that 1 out of 50 American children become homeless each year. The impact this increase is having on the younger generations is nothing less than tragic.

The study estimates that some 83 percent of homeless children will have been exposed to at least one serious violent event before they reach 12 years of age. Of those, nearly 25 percent will have witnessed acts of violence within their own families (i.e. physical abuse). Homeless children have three times the rate of emotional and behavioral problems of non-homeless children. They are also four times more likely to experience delayed educational development.

How to Help

Now more than ever is a crucial time to get involved. Organizations across the country are banding together to aid those in need and greatly welcome any support offered. Some of the diverse opportunities available include:

* Volunteering with a local organization working to end family homelessness
* Supporting local, state, and national programs that help families rebuild
* Donating to organizations such as HomeAid and others that are working to end homelessness in our country
* Educating others about the extent and causes of homelessness in America and what they can do to help

These organizations are putting forth a great effort but always need more help. Even the smallest contribution can make a lasting impression on someone who truly needs and appreciates it. By working together Americans can fight back against homelessness and give this country another triumph over adversity.

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Choosing Between Fitness Gyms

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All fitness gyms are not created equal and so how do you decide which one to join? Only a quality fitness gym can give you what you need to stay with a life long exercise program. Here's the checklist to decide which fitness gym is right for you.

The Fitness Gyms:

* Before joining any gym make an appointment to tour the facilities.
* Visit the gym during the hours you will be using it and check to see if there are long waiting lines for the equipment you will want to use.
* Check the facility for proper ventilation, cleanliness, and maintenance. Notice the atmosphere what the comfort level is.
* Notice the staff and other member. Does it seem like a friendly group?
* Is the gym a member of the IHRSA which is the world's leading trade association for gyms and health clubs?
The Staff At The Fitness Gyms
* Is the staff motivated competent, and service-oriented and knowledgeable?
* Do they have college degrees in physical education, kinesiology, or exercise physiology?
* Do they have trained professionals on staff in the activities in which you wish to participate?
* Are they certified? This gives you a great deal of assurance. Some of the most respected certification comes from the Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine (NACSM). American Council on Exercise(ACE), American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the Institute for Aerobics Research, the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA), and the Northland Regional, or the International Dance Exercise Association (IDEA).
* Is there an orientation on how to use equipment properly and safely before you start working out?
* Is there a trainer on staff to help you set up your program in the beginning?
Different Agreements At Different Fitness Gyms
* Examine the contract very carefully and make sure all agreements are in writing including verbal agreements.
* Understand the length of the term. Is it an annual membership, or a month-to-month membership?
* It is standard policy to offer a "cooling off" period which is usually the three days after signing up for a membership, during which you may cancel the agreement without penalty.
* Check with the Better Business Bureau to see if there have been any complaints filed against the club.
Why Does Quality Make The Difference in Fitness Gyms?
IHRSA members - consider it their mission to enhance the quality of human life through physical fitness and sports. They provide first-rate facilities, programs and instruction. They also subscribe to IHRSA's Code of Conduct, pledging to:
* Open their membership to persons of all creeds, races, and places of national origin.
* Treat each member as though the success of their club depends on that individual alone.
* Are the facilities and programs done with the safety of the members in mind?
* Do they do their part to expand awareness of the benefits of regular exercise?
* Agree to conduct their business in a manner that commands the respect of the public for their industry and the goals they seek to achieve.
Make sure you know what each of the fitness gyms has to offer before you make your final decision.

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Child Obesity In America

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The epidemic of child obesity in America seems to have never been more prevalent than it is today. Even with all of the media attention on the increase in weight and the decline of activity of children all across our country, not enough seems to be happening to make the differences that the next generation needs to see. What is even more frightening is that we don't need the television or obesity statistics to know that the problem isn't going away; we can see it in our neighborhoods and sometimes in our own households.

There is hope. Education is key; education for parents, teachers, and the community, but also education for the kids. The more we all know, the easier it will be to create a change.

In working with men, women, and children as a Personal Trainer, Group Exercise Instructor, and Youth Sports Instructor over the past decade, I have seen the highs and the lows of fitness in America. Having been witness to some of those lows, I can still see a light at the end of the tunnel, but what's more important is that the children see that light.

Know what? They do.

So, what can we do as individuals to start making a difference in the lives of children that may be suffering from childhood obesity?

Here are 4 Helpful Hints for Fighting Child Obesity in America

Be Supportive: When we least expect it, children are listening. Whether they seem mesmerized or distracted by the television, their iPods, or their cell phones our words, both positive and negative, stick. They will begin to model or try to become what they think you think of them.

If your consistent message is "you are overweight and all you do is sit in front of the TV all day", then that is what they will eventually emulate. Positive reinforcement like, "You looked so fast running from the school bus to the front door today. I bet that's why you're doing so well in soccer," is a great way to stimulate the activity you would like to see more of.

Lead by Example: My parents have always been my greatest heroes. Some of my favorite childhood memories were of playing baseball and soccer in the front yard, basketball in the driveway, or just racing my Mom and Dad up and down the street. It didn't occur to me until years later how much of an impact that had on me growing up and is probably part of the reason that I'm writing this today. Thanks Mom and Dad!

Talk about It: Kids and adults browse through magazines, read newspapers, and watch the television daily. Look for your coaching opportunities. If a news clip comes on that focuses on child obesity in America, ask your kids for their thoughts. You may be surprised to find that their knowledge of the subject matter is more detailed than you originally thought. What's even better? They may have some great ideas on stopping childhood obesity.

Never Stop Learning: If you have found this site, then you are already on the right track and it is obvious that you care about making a difference. The more you can learn about obesity for yourself, your friends, and your family, the more you can do to help stop it. Whether you are looking for new physical activities or games to play outside with the family, if it's trying some new, healthy recipes, or getting involved in community education, the more knowledge you have, the more you will be able to share.

About the Author:

David Bohmiller is the founder of My Personal Trainer School an online resource dedicated to Personal Training for fitness enthusiasts of all levels and a top reference for those who want to become personal trainers.

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